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Two Types of Garage Sales

Hello world!


I hope everyone had a good week! Garage sales should be starting up in March, so I am posting this to help you if you decide to host a garage sale. Next week I will tell you how togo garage selling in the right way!


There are two types of garage sales. You either have a garage sale to make money, or to get rid of a bunch of your used items.


Garage Sales to Make Money:

Pricing: Prices need to be a little high,  you can always lower then if someone asks.

Items to sell: I would not put out a pile of 50 cent shirts. Leave that for the garage sale that you are just getting rid of stuff.

Advertising: Use social media sites, Craigslist, Online garage sell websites, and good old fashion signs around town.

Make clusters of items, display is everything. Put all of your jeans together, and make them easy to find the size. Since people can’t try them on, it is nice for them to know what brand and what size the jeans are, especially if they are paying 5-10$ a piece.


Garage Sales to Get Rid of Junk:

Pricing: should be low. You should be wanting to get rid of things to have a cluster free home

Items to sell: Anything and everything is appropriate for these garage sells.

Advertising: Word-of-mouth, online, and once again good old fashion signs around town.

For this type of garage sell, don’t worry about displaying your items, people are nosy. They will dig through your unpacked boxes, and they will take time to look through your 50 cent pile of clothing.


General Tips:::::

1) Don’t host by yourself, I am sure your sister, mother, cousin, or neighbor has some stuff they wouldn’t mind selling. Garage sellers stop more often if they see a TON of stuff!

2) Be reasonable. Don’t price your items too high. If someone picks up one item and thinks it is outrageously priced, they will set it down and probably walk away.

3) Offer cold bottles of water. You can buy a 36 pack of water from Costco for under 4$. If you have them cold in a cooler for 50 cent a bottle, you can make up to 18$. That is a 14$ profit for you!

4) Watch your stuff closely. As much as I hate to say this, people do steal. Keep your expensive stuff close to you, or keep a very good eye on it. I sadly had someone try to steal a phone case…I had it marked for 1.00$, so why she couldn’t pay for it…well I probably never find out…’

5) If you are trying to make money, keep your stuff clean. Don’t put out ripped clothing, or stained shirts. That is gross, and it will send people the other way.

6) Don’t get too serious. This isn’t a business that you have to run all week long. It is one day, probably 6 hours of work, and you are done.

7) Spend your money, your way. You earned it.

I hope this helps some of your first time garage sellers. Have fun, and make some money, ya’ll.



Lauren Mae

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